Custom Spurs Contact Us for Pricing |
 Framed Initials Buckle 2" by 3" Starting at $295.00 (different fonts & smaller sizes available also, or 2 initials) |
 2 Initials Buckle 2" by 3" $265.00 (also available in 3 letter combinations) |
 Dry Fly Buckle (14kt Gold) 2-1/8" by 3-1/4" Contact us for pricing |
 Nugget Buckle $495.00 (Heavy Cast) 2-1/2" by 3-1/2" (smaller sizes available) |
 Small Nugget Buckle 1-5/8" by 2-1/4" (Fits 1-1/4" belt) $295.00 |
 Rose Buckle (heavy cast) 3" by 2-1/2" $385.00 |
 Smaller Rose Buckle (heavy cast) 2-3/4" by 2-1/8" $325.00 |
 #12 Initial Buckle 3-1/4" by 4" $695.00 |
 Southern Cross Initial Buckle 3-1/2" by 2-1/4" $795.00 |
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 3 Arabian Horses (custom motif) #153 - 3" by 4" $595.00 |
 $10 Gold Coin Buckle shape #6 2" by 3" (coin extra) $300.00 |
 3/4 ct. Blue Topaz in 14kt Gold Florals #12 Size 3" x 4" & Tip $2,795.00 |
Raised Florals & 3/4ct Blue Topaz #153&1/2 with Berry Wire 3 1/2" x 4 1/2" $895.00 |
 #152 Gold Arabian Head 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" $475.00 |
 Shape #12 Full Headdress Indian Chief (Antiqued) $745.00 |
 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" Rectangle with Raised Florals & 1/2ct Pink Tormaline $695.00 |
 2" x 3" Rhodocrocite with Berry Bezel $395.00 |
 Firefighters Maltese Cross Buckle 2-1/2" by 3-1/2" (approx.) $545.00 |
 Vintage Bronc Rider Motif 3 7/8" x 4 7/8" Sterling On Sterling $1,145.00 |
 Slimline Buckle 2" by 3-3/4" For a 1-1/4" belt width Raised sterling florals with 14kt flowers and 1/2 carat rubies $945.00
 End Of The Trail Buckle & Elephant Buckle End Of The Trail Buckle (#153WRE) 3 1/4" x 4 1/4" Oxidized Figure - $645.00 Elephant Buckle (#173 PE) 3 1/8" x 4" $545.00 **$50.00 from the purchase price is donated in the purchaser's name to "Saving The African Elephant"!
CORVETTE BUCKLE 3-1/2" BY 4-3/8" (approx.) $995.00 as shown (available on other shapes and sizes)
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 Link Bracelet (varies with # of links) with 3/4ct Blue Topaz $695.00 |
Trail Rider Saddle Smooth Padded Seat $2,395.00 (As Shown) |
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Roping Saddle Corner Carved And Basket Weave With Rawhide Cantle $4,285.00 |
Corner Carved Roping Saddle $3,975.00 (With Silver) |
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